
 ———- Online

Sunday 09-09:45 am


Sunday 09-09:45 am

Prāṇāyāma is the fourth limb of the eight limbs of yoga – the so called aṣṭāṅgayoga (ashta = 8).
It is defined as the practice of breath control.
To be precise, it is a Sanskrit compound of prāṇa (=breath) and āyāma (= stretching, extending, restraining, controlling, stopping).

Conscious breathing and breathing exercises are suitable for all levels. We will sit still during the whole lesson and no equipment is required.
It is advised to please sit on the floor or a block, no sofa.
Past experience is recommended, but not required – beginners welcome!
If you have a meditation routine, this class is also perfect to deepen your practice.

In this online lesson, we focus on conscious breathing and practice various breathing exercises. You can expect the following:
– Sama Vritti (equal breathing)
– Nadi Shodana (alternate nostril breathing)
– Ujjayi (“victorious breathing”)
– Rechaka Viloma/ Puraka Viloma/ Combined Viloma

Pranayama has tons of benefits. Its major advance is that it balances and calms the nervous system and is perfect to relieve stress after a busy week.
The body is relaxed, and the mind is clear and focused. Especially people with anxiety and sleep disorders feel relieved and calm after some weeks of practice. Consequently, pranayama also helps to strengthen the immune and respiratory systems. 
The digestion is improved, the sinuses cleared, and the skin is glowing due to a better oxygen flow.

Come join us in our weekly pranayama session with our teacher, Kai, from the Philippines. Me, Isabella Maria, will participate as a student in each lesson.
Kai Rainer will lead the Sunday morning sessions in English. 
He practices and teaches Ashtanga Vinyasa yoga and is currently based in the Philippines. He studies under Richard Freeman and Mary Taylor and aims to teach in a contemplative and holistic manner that is inclusive and appropriate for all individuals.


Places are limited to maximum 8 people. 
Suitable for all levels.
Duration 45 minutes.
Questions welcome at the end of the session.

ONLINE session

Session price per person €8.
Please pay upfront if possible, via PayPal to
If you benefited a lot and want to show your gratitude, please feel free to donate any amount via PayPal. Thank you!

Session price per person 60€

Group sessions up to five person 200€